Definition of Cohere -

  1. be united; form a whole
  2. be logically consistent

What is Cohere?

Cohere is a Canadian Startup that trains and provides access to AI-powered chatbot assistants to power customer experience (totally not taken from one of Cohere’s language models)

Personal History Cohere

I used Cohere’s LLMs and tools for hackathons even before I met the Cohere recruiter Kristina Stephan. I met Kristina at UofTHacks X and our conversation began when I was helping a fellow hacker and from there I had a question for the Cohere recruiter and we started talking. Fast forward I tried to apply for the Cohere SWE Intern 2023 Summer role, unfortunately I was not chosen as one of the candidates.

But wait, later down the line after running into Kristina consistently at hackathons she invited me to apply for Cohere’s new opening of Intern of Technical Staff for the Summer 2023 work term. I applied and after a technical assessment I was offered a job!

BUT WAIT, unfortunately I could not accept this offer due to my ineligibility to work in Canada and the United States of America. I am sure most of you are confused, and the reason for this ineligibility was because I was born in India and had immigrated to the United States / Canada. If you would like to read more about this then I suggest you look into immigration.


Cohere is a really cool company and I have nothing but good things to say about them, even though I was the only high schooler (to my knowledge) who was offered a job at Cohere this summer I have no regrets. I spent my summer doing other fun things and things that have helped me grow as a person. I suggest taking a look at Summer 2023 for more information! I hope to work with Cohere in the future!