Who is she?

Dr.Rhonda McEwen is the current President of Victoria College at University of Toronto St. George and the former Dean of University of Toronto Mississauga.

My affiliations with her

I won UofTHacks X with Michael, Varun, and Sungjin and from there Michael got in touch with Dr.McEwen and joined her lab Emerging Technologies and the Arts Lab and from there since I knew Michael I requested him to inquire Dr.Rhonda McEwen if I would be able to join her lab


I really like Dr.Rhonda McEwen, she’s a smart person who seems to be very dedicated and motivated about what she does. From the short time I have known her she also seem to not be very formal about anything, she prefers to go by “Rhonda” by the members of her lab and is very friendly to everyone. I have a lot of respect for her and I hope if I am ever in a similar position of being the Dean of such a prestigious university or even better have my own lab where I can have people work under me and learn with me then I would lead by her example.

If I end up attending University of Toronto I would like to continue being a part of her lab and learning from all the students involved in it