- A synchronous sequential circuit has n states that require at least log2n flip-flops. 3-state circuit requires at least 2 flip-flops
- Reducing # of states we can reduce the number of flip flops
- If 2 states are equivalent we can combine them into a single state
- 2 states are considered to be equivalent if the following conditions are true
- Each input the states give exactly same output
- Each input the states give the same next state or an equivalent next state
State Minimization Through Partitioning §
- Partition states according to circuit outputs produced
- For each partition, do the following:
- For any input pattern if different states in a partition result in a transition to a different partition, then those states are not equivalent and we separate them into smaller partitions
- Continue Partitioning until all the states in any partition transition to the same other partition for any input pattern
- Once no further partitioning is required, identification of the equivalent states is complete