
I have taken notes my whole life but on paper, although recently I met Steven Gong at Hack the Valley 7, where he introduced me to Obsidian. Steven explained to me how using Obsidian is beneficial to you and however I cannot recall what he said exactly here’s the things I have noticed:


  • You do not need to re-learn topics, just refer to your old notes. This is extremely important as time is money and by wasting time on topics you already learned is wasting money
  • The gaps in your knowledge become more apparent; Since Obsidian allows me to connect one topic with other topic(s) I have learned I really have to think about the topic where the gaps become more apparent
  • When you put your thoughts into words (this isn’t exclusive to Obsidian) you have to make your thoughts make sense which allows you to think about what you are really saying

As you keep writing notes seeing your old notes help you out in situations where you forget something is what motivates me to keep writing quality notes that can help me out in more situations in the future